jueves, 8 de septiembre de 2016

What is sustainability?

Sustainability means renewing resources at a rate equal to or greater than the rate at which they are consumed.

there are 3 tipes of sustainability

Environmental protection:
The maintenance of the factors and practices that contribute to the quality of environment on a long-term basis.

Social responsibility:
.The ability of a community to develop processes and structures which not only meet the needs of its current members but also support the ability of future generations to maintain a healthy community.

Economic practice:
The use of various strategies for employing existing resources optimally so that that a responsible and beneficial balance can be achieved over the longer term. Within a business context, economic sustainability involves using the assorted assets of the company efficiently to 
allow it to continue functioning profitability over time.


which are healthy foods?

first to understand what are healthy foods we need search what is healthy eating.

what is healthy eating?

Healthy eating means eating a variety of foods from the four food groups to feel good and maintain your health. Eating well along with being active can also lower your risk of disease and help you reach--and maintain--a healthy weight.


1. Apples

2. Bananas

3. Blueberries

4. Oranges

5. Strawberries

other foods

6.Lean Beef

7.Chicken Breasts



Nuts, Seeds and Peanuts


11. Chia Seeds

12. Coconuts

13.Macadamia Nuts



What Are Healthy Habits?

Underneath all the latest and greatest diet schemes and exercise fads are tried-and-true ways to achieve and maintain a healthy and active life. A habit is a practice that you engage in on a regular basis. Consistently eating a healthy diet, exercising and getting adequate amounts of sleep are all healthy habits.





1.What eco-food would you propose to the school?
2. Our typical food (empanadas, ajiaco, etc) is healthy or it have ingredients that can damage our body system?
3. The obecity is a problem here in Colombia?
4. What sodas are the most dangerous?
5. Does the mole is a sustainable food?


-The fast food is now transforming in a habit for no waste tine, but thet food produces many sickness and future problems of obesity among others. Is better to use more time for 
eatting healthier and with calm an time.

-Other problem of our society is the false publicity that show us lies, because the real product have many chemicals and impacts for our health.

-Something that we do bad when we go to buy something is that we dont see the nutritional table an we dont think to what we are eating; proteins,fats,sugar,etc.

-Some aliments have GMO that produce alllergies an other sickness.

-We dont think in the wastwes of food, we produce daily or mondly, that have an impact in the enviroment  and can be for other people that pass hunger in Colombia and in the world.

-The opposite campain of faste food is food that is prepared in a slow way like in restaurants or in the house that is healthier.


our proposals are:

1.To implement mole sauce in the school menu.

Imagen relacionada

2.To implement Hatsu drink in the snaks shop.

Resultado de imagen para hatsu cool en ingles0

3.To implement ''arroz con coco'' and ''arepa de huevo''  in the lunch menu.

4.One day at the year to do a day of deads here in the school, and the typical decoration and food of that day.

5.One day at the year to do a Barranquilla's festival and to put the typical decoration and typical food.



1.What kind of vegetables do you like the most?

Resultado de imagen de vegetables healthy                     

2. Do you like food from Mexico? What type?

Resultado de imagen de COMIDA DE MEXICO

3.Do you like the school menu?

4. Do you want to add something to the school menu?

Resultado de imagen de pregunta

5. Does the hatsu is another option for drinks?

Resultado de imagen de bebidas sanas

6. Can we make a deaths day here in the school?

Here we have a video that would help you:



Our conclusions are hatsu will be a sustainable drink but not at lunch time , in the snaks shop, also that it will be sustainable to put in lunch menu mole and arroz con coco, we could do like a day of barranquillas festival with all the food and the decoration and the students would learn to eat other type of food.